am i qualified yet?: a memoir (rant) on job hunting, part deux

Guess what, you guys!? IT’S STILL REALLY F***IN’ HARD TO FIND A JOB. Like, legit. #icannot

As of today, I have submitted applications for THIRTY-TWO – yes that’s 32 – positions. How actually absurd is that? (actually really absurd). And guess how many interviews I’ve had so far? Three……YUP.


me @ my interviews

It’s funny. It’s funny how surprisingly qualified I am for some of these positions, & I’m not getting interviews for them. But, the ones that require three years of experience feel so inclined to listen to me talk about my internships over the phone & tease me like a lil child who has to obligitorily eat his steamed corn before he gets his goddamned lollipop.

Adjusting from part un of this rant memoir, I am now less than fifty-three days away from graduating, with still no job prospects in sight. It’s starting to get legitimately terrifying; I may actually, for the first time in my life since middle school, not be employed. Simply put, I am not okay with that. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong here, or what I’m not doing, or what I’ve over-done. Why isn’t there a friendly spectre hanging over my shoulder helping me along in this process? #whhyyyy

Oh, AND, let’s chat for a sec about the fact that Mr. #notmypresident is threatening to de-fund the IMLS, which is literally the source of all governmental funding for libraries, archives, museums, & other information institutions. I damn well did not dedicate two years & $25K to this degree for the leader of our country to rip it all away before I even graduate. But alas, I digress.

Again, I reiterate: PLEASE. HIRE. ME.