mr. cuban says…

If you’re anything like me, you’re a millennial semi-luddite who has been forced into the instagram generation just by simply being born in the 90s (thanks, mom). We’re in the midst of an unfortunate time when mathematical & scientific skills need to outweigh those all-important/incredibly applicable humanities skills in order to gain employment. Now for me, this KILLS ME. The height of my technical skills is developing a kickass insta caption, which, let’s be real here, stems from my training in the social sciences & my intense grad school writing skillz.

BUT, there may be hope for us humanitarians yet! According to a recent article in Inc., crazy rich entrepreneur & Mavericks owner Mark Cuban


Mark Cuban, the god-entrepreneur as he is.

cites creativity & humanities-driven skills as ‘the next big thing’ in the job market in the next decade. #hellzyeah Cuban stated, “What looks like a great job graduating from college today may be not be a great job graduating from college five years or 10 years from now,” meaning that the tech focus of the current job market may be slowly going out the window.

Cuban also indicated that he believes that “technology will eventually kill tech jobs themselves.” This. Is. HUGE. Many tech jobs are rooted in math – coding, developing, engineering, etc. These jobs will eventually be automated, just like other manufacturing jobs before them. But what will be highly in demand is the skill to understand the data that these mechanisms put out. Thus, an influx in graduates in liberal arts, philosophy, anthropology, & foreign languages is expected amongst the horribly-named ‘Founders.’

This is just plain exciting for people like me, who literally have master’s degrees in understanding information. This wonderful news is coming at a time when I’m literally drowning in job applications. So here’s to all y’all humanities winners out there who may have a job in the next decade!

mark 2

ACTUAL PHOTO of me drowning in job applications, resumes, & letters of interest for information science positions. pls help.