
I approached this post thinking “Oh gosh, it’s been like a month, what on earth do I even write about?” & then I thought “Wow, I should really try to plan these topics ahead” which took me into the deep dark abyss that is my brain & led me to contemplate what my goals actually are (or should be) for the end of this shitshow of a year, 2016.


Real image of  the year 2016 going down in flames

I’ve decided to really hunker down & write out my goals for the upcoming new year, in conveniently bucketed categories, & share them with you all! And so…

Educational Goals:

  • I’ll be graduating from UCLA in June 2017! Huzzah! #butforrealz this shit needs to happen. I have no doubt in my mind that I will obviously graduate, & with flying colours at that (full of myself, I know), but I feel like I have to keep motivating myself to actually realise that THE END IS NIGH. The end is nigh, people! We’re all actually going to graduate, & have Master’s degrees, & be all professional, & wear those ugly lemon yellow velvet hoods, et cetera. Rambles. Yes, my goal is to legitimately graduate.

Career Goals:

  • And so to piggyback off of the previous goal, I would really like to get a job in my field. A professional-level job, with real co-workers, & real money, & real benefits, & a real collegial working environment. The university “guarantees” us employment within our field within six months of graduation, so by December of next year I best be employed.
  • Side note: any of you peeps seeking employees in Library & Information Science, I’M YA GURL. Feel free to e-mail me for my résumé & references.

Financial Goals:

  • Again, piggybacking off of the previous all the goals, in 2017, I’d really like to begin my professional life & make professional-level money. I’ve worked tirelessly in part-time jobs since I was fourteen years old, just striving for the possibility of one day achieving any semblance of financial independence. Little did fourteen year old me know that the world/economy/everything would go to shit as I got older. So here’s to twenty-three year old me still working tirelessly & striving for those dreams.

Life Goals:

  • Pending my (hopefully soon & abundant) employment, I will be moving out of my tiny town & moving to the big city (eh, Sherman Oaks) in August! Next year, I’d like to force myself out of my comfort zone more, & this starts with leaving the warm nest that is my parents’ 1960s ranch-style in Oak Park. Not having the opportunity to go away for college, I’m really planning on treating this opportunity as exactly what it is: my first whack at adulthood. I want to explore the world, & seize opportunities, & figure out who I am, yada, blah, et cetera. But yeah, I really do. I’ll try. I promise.


  • Couldn’t pass up this rockin’ wordplay opportunity

Hopefully, some, if not all (*fingers crossed*), of these goals can be realised in the new year that can not possibly be any worse, 2017! I’ll keep ya posted…