o, mecca!*

So, we meet again. It’s halfway through the fall quarter, & I’m…well, exhausted, frankly. Hence the lack of posty-posts. But I digress.

Here is the news: I’m creating a catalogue for a private artist! It’s so cool! #PAYD

But fo realz. Like as we speak/write. I’m doing it right now. It’s so easy. I love my field.

When I applied for my first archival internship last April, I was tipped off to a part-time cataloguing job with a private artist, whom will heretofore be referred to as “IHG.” So I immediately contacted IHG, made a case for my hire, & the deal was done! Quickest hiring process I’ve ever experienced. …But little did I know that that speedy train would end immediately.

From that point on, aka May 2016 to the here & now, all proceedings have moved at a snail’s pace. Truly slow beyond recognition or human capacity. Or so I thought. IHG is actually the slowest, craziest, most stereotypical artist there ever was. Like having a conversation with the person actually hurts my brain. I internally wince at the rate at which our meetings go.

So. Literally nothing happened between us until approximately three weeks ago. Like wtf? You hire me in May, & can’t get your act together until October!? No. Just, like, don’t hire someone until you’re ready. I was expecting to be working on/finish this project OVER THE SUMMER. Like a normal person! Ugh. Anyway.

So work has just begun, and IHG is literally a nutball. Like I can’t. She doesn’t give me ANY work for over five months, but the day after she hands me some hard drives, she expects immediate and voluminous results! WHAT ARE YOU DOING.

I can’t. Not okay. Rant over.


*haha punny, the program I’m using to create the catalogue is called “Omeka.” Like, o, mecca. Ya get it?